In 2018 and 2019, SilverHawk Woodworking made financial donations to the Full Moon Farms Animal Sanctuary and the Brother Wolf Animal Rescue. Following the popular Fall Weaverville Art Safari, SilverHawk displayed his Bark Tree woodcraft at various locations. He then donated 50% of the gross sales to the charities mentioned. In total, they have received $375 over the two years.
“I’m retired and am not relying on my woodworker’s income for a livelihood. I have enjoyed donating a good percentage of my SilverHawk income to various causes”, according to Phil Pratt, owner. Some of the recipients have been Rotary International plus other very worthy causes such as Helpmates, the Boy Scouts of America, and some needy individuals . In total, for the two years 26% and 39% of the business’s net income have been donated to charity.
Pratt is also a member of the Asheville Breakfast Rotary Club and participates frequently in various service projects locally. The motto of Rotary is “Service Above Self” and this local club donates annually over $40,000 to various charities. Also, as a member of the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, Pratt has moderated for 7 years the Thursday Professional Networking Group that meets weekly.